Friday, October 28, 2011
Another break for the Holiday's
I will be back I promise, and I will still try to post, but if I don't it's because my life has become too chaotic with everything.
Take care.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
WiP Wednesday
It's sort of like an outline after I've already written the book. I like to go back and summarize the entire project in about four - five pages. It helps me figure out if the plot arc works and if not, where it falls apart so that I can then go back and fix it. Thankfully, I usually don't have anything glaring that needs fixing, but sometimes I do notice some small pieces that need to be fixed like a character arc that doesn't make sense and such.
Also, writing a synopsis is something I've done a lot in both screenwriting as well as in novels. I find screenwriting easier, but some of the things that I do is when I go through my book/screenplay I try to summarize each chapter in these ways:
What happens:
Who does it:
Any new characters introduced:
Now with my current project that deals with a three sided conflict, my synopsis will mainly deal on the conflicts against the main character, with small hints at the other conflict. I will also try to build up and show the relationship triangle that goes on between the main character and two others. But other than that it will just be a break down of my story.
Synopsis? Why do you fear them? Why do you love them? What are some of your strategies with tackling them? Let me know in the comments.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Holidays in books
It got me thinking in my one of my previous books, I had Christmas later in the story, it was a sad scene because of the recent loss of family members and such, but when I wrote it I found something out about my characters. They used the somber attitude and turned it into a great thing, lots of laughs, memories of the deceased and best of all it showed a way for the characters to solve their dilemma in the story.
So have you ever used the holidays in your stories to build the plot and characters? How did it work out for you and what were some of the interesting situations it put them in?
Friday, October 21, 2011
Holidays, writers block accomplice
What I do is keep with my schedule regardless. Spend the evenings writing after everyone is in bed or get up early before anyone and slip in a few words here and there. I've also started to use Evernote on my smartphone to jot notes down on breaks and lunches at work.
So what are some of your tips for the holidays, do you shut down around the time and focus on the important things outside of writing for a couple months? Do you have a secret place you hide away from the craziness to git in some useful writing?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A friend's Awesome contest
Besides that little big information, I also have my first cold of the season which is such a pain in the head. So enjoy the contest, and I'll be back on Friday, hopefully feeling a lot better.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Nano Time?
Friday, October 14, 2011
My Anniversary
Everyone enjoy the weekend and I'll be back on Monday.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
What happens with good news?
I have bought or will buy their books when they are released.
So my question for the day is, if you haven't been published or signed with an agent, what would you do to celebrate when that happens?
Me.... I would probably go out to dinner with the family to celebrate and that's about it. If I had some extra money, I would probably go through a bit of a celebratory shopping and buy some new toys to keep me busy while I wait on edits/revisions from said agent or editor.
So if you had some great news, how would you celebrate?
Monday, October 10, 2011
Now I can understand the benefits for some people, but to me it's a horrible schedule for me. I get home around 10:15pm, and then eat something and then its like bedtime. I'm a nighttime writer, but writing at 11:00pm after trying to spend some time with the wife before bed makes it difficult to stay awake and create powerful prose.
So what should I do?
I've been thinking about writing during the day, however, my wife runs a daycare in the house so that's a negative aspect of lots of noise. Go the library? Good idea, and one that I'm thinking of trying soon.
The biggest thing is that I usually write at night, it's been my schedule for years now, but I guess as times change so should I.
Have any of you had changes in your schedule that modified when you had time to write? How did you deal with it? Did you adjust or just take a break until things returned to a normal schedule?
Friday, October 7, 2011
Greatest writing moment?
So I've been writing for almost 15 years now. I have quite a few moments that stand out for me, such as my first completed screenplay, or my first completed novel. Don't get me wrong both of those are great achievements, but I was thinking of something else.
The first time I wrote a short screenplay back in early 2000 for myself and on a whim decided to enter it in a contest. I've done it before for other writing things before and this was the first time that I actually was given a positive reaction and it made me feel proud. Made me feel qualified. I remember reading the letter saying that I made the top ten in the contest of about 15,000 entries.
Second would be when I got my first request for ky novel off of a partial request that was exciting because it gave ne hope that I know how to write which is a great motivator for all our future tasks.
Unfortunately both of turned into failures but they still remain very important steps in my writing careers. At least my screenplay might someday be produced by my director friend someday.
So my fellow awesome bloggers what was one or a couple of your favorite moments that either gave you hope or justification that you can do this?
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The Great Beta Reader search
This got me thinking, maybe October is a rough month for writers, lots are deep in revisions of their own, some are planning their Nano novels, and some are maybe just getting back into the swing of things after school started and other daily things returned to normal last month.
What is everyone up to? I've been busy rewriting with my new night work schedule so my writing time has been a little hectic on my part. I've been still keeping up with my crit groups schedule no problem, and balancing life with all the other things. So my question is simple, what is everyone doing this fall? I hope to start querying in December/January if I can, but the lack of available beta readers is making it difficult to reach that goal.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a fun filled fall and talk to you Friday.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Football weekend
Friday, September 30, 2011
What I look for in Beta Readers
I look for readers that are going to be:
Honest - Don't worry about hurting my feelings. As long as it's not a personal attack and about the writing, I can handle it.
Knowledge - They know the rules and know where I make mistakes or when I am bending the rules for the story.
Understands the genre - I like readers that have experience in either reading or writing the genre that I am looking for feedback on.
I think these are the three things that I look for in test readers for my writing, what are some of your ideas for an ideal beta reader?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
I'm happy with the ending. I think it ties up a lot of the plot lines, and leaves a couple open for a possible sequel. What are some of your favorite endings of books? I really enjoyed the ending of the Lord of the Rings, after the ring thing and returning to the shire.
I also found the ending to the "Gone" series by Michael Grant, each book ends the main plot, but things are left lingering with a few more things that carry the plot forward for the next book in the series.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Manic Monday
This morning reminded me of some of my writing habits. Sometimes when I'm working through the revisions, I am sort of like them. I read the sentence, think in my head that needs to be punched up, and move on. It is sort of lazy, I know, but I can't help it all the time. Currently, I am working through my revision and have been reading it out loud while doing so, and have found it to be useful to actually make the changes while I'm reading because otherwise I will forget. It sort of kills the flow of my reading and I have to read the corrected sentence to make sense of it, but it helps.
My question for my readers is, what sort of lazy things do you let slide by at times while doing your writing? Do you read a sentence and know that it needs work and pass over it, or do you do something else that you are embarrassed of in your writing?
Friday, September 23, 2011
Character Interview - Blink
No one sits in the chair opposite me.
Everyone sits silently until a young man appears. He smiles, his green eyes sparkle. What's going on peeps.
Hello Blink.
What's up?
So I heard that you have been busy since the end of the story, what have you been up to?
I have been trying to find others who would join our cause. You know step up to those maniac's The Followers. It's not easy, usually when I mention Mr. Stevens it complicates matters.
What do you mean complicates matters?
People didn't like that Mr. Stevens made all people with powers outlaws.
But I thought he fixed that? Didn't he?
How could he? He's not the mayor any more.
Good point. How do you feel about the whole thing?
I'm cool with it. I know him. He's not a bad guy. Do I wish he never made the law, sure, but not much I can do about it now.
What about your relationship with Rebecca?
She's a cool chicky-do. I like hanging out with her. Since Natilee isn't around anymore, I think she's the most powerful gifted I know. She's been training a lot lately and has got some new wicked things that she can do. I'm going to say much more than that, but just know, The Followers are going to have a challenge if she decides to go after them.
I thought she already decided that? What is she up to?
That's not my place to say. You'll have to ask her.
Understandable. So I have one last question for you. What's it feel like to teleport?
Feel like? I don't really feel anything. The one thing that's sort of annoying is the way that if I have a lot of sounds between the two spots I get both combined during the process. But I've grown used to just blocking it out otherwise I would be nuts about now.
Well, I want to thank you for your time. I hope things work out for you in the near future. Do you have any last words?
Blink vanishes.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
What I learned from my job lately
This job is about me trying to convince people who want to cancel something to keep it. Now with the economy the way it is, this is much harder than it had to be in the past, or so they tell me.
I have learned that despite having a fast start on getting a bunch of people to keep the product, my day can still take a turn for the worst when a bunch of people drop the product. It's about the law of averages, and eventually it will turn around again for the better. So what this has taught me and how it relates to writing is that determination is key. It only takes one yes to succeed, such as a querying, but along the way you have to keep your head up and keep plugging along to reach that goal. Along the way you are going to take your lumps and people saying no, but when you get that yes, it just makes it that much sweeter.
So I have been polishing my query like mad to prepare for the fall querying season for me. So what are some of the things that your job taught you that can be related to a process in writing.
**PS. I kept the details of my job vague because I sighed a non-disclosure agreement so please don't ask what product I was talking about.***
Monday, September 19, 2011
Kids being kids
Some of the things I come up with are from watching my own children. Just today, my ten year old who is struggling with math and division in particular. So this morning included in her normal complaining about waking up at 7 in the morning is that her stomach hurts, and her head hurts. After giving something for the headache, she is sitting on the couch complaining that she has to run today and shouldn't run on a sore stomach. I told her it will be fine by the time you run. She continued to complain... anyways, to make a long morning shorter, right before she left I mentioned to work on her math. She stopped complaining and looked at me and said, "I hate fifth grade math."
I smiled, knowing that I hated math in fifth grade too and told her that the only way to deal with it is work harder and spend more time with it. She knew that was what was needed, and acknowledged it as such. The rest of the ride to school, my wife mentioned that she didn't complain once about being sore, or any pain. I nailed the real reason she was not wanting to go to school. It was the fact that she has to do something difficult.
I think this is a good example of a youth using everything they can to get what they want (Staying home) but when you confront them with the real issue they will usually come clean. (Hating math.) What do you have your characters do when they are trying to hide their true feelings? Do you make them try to manipulate those around them with sympathy, or do you delve right into the meat of the problem. I think having them bounce around the real problem would make it more believable for the youth reading your story, what do you think?
Friday, September 16, 2011
Football has started
Anyway this year I joined a fantasy football league with friends from my poker group and after the first week, I'm in 7th out of 8. Still early, but not a fan of being so low so early.
Also, I have rejoined the PFOA, the (Portland Football Officials Association) so I will once again be officiating some youth and high school football games. Due to my work schedule change I'm missing all of September games except for weekends. Hopefully that will change once I get out of training and get a new schedule. This is my 5th year officiating, but after a two year break, I'm honestly a bit rusty.
So besides writing, what are some of your other hobbies? I'm curious.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
WiP Wednesday
I am really enjoying the rewrite process because I can see it getting clearer, cohesive and just a more complete story arc. It's pretty fun.
I have started a new process for this book and that is to read it out loud, which is helpful to get a sense of run on sentences, sentence fragments and just the flow of the words. I have a tendency to read out loud very fast, which annoys my listeners at times, and they have to tell me to slow down. It helps to slow down to really enunciate the words and has helped me catch a few places where things needed to be clarified.
So what are some of your techniques during the rewriting process?
Monday, September 12, 2011
I'm back!
As well as my kids going to school again. My middle daughter just started kindergarten and I have to be honest, I got choked up. She's very smart and so far enjoys it.
The biggest thing that has proved to be an obstacle to my writing is the new schedule I have at work. I work 3pm to 11:30pm for the past two weeks, and for another week. Then it will change 12pm to 9pm, which isn't as bad, but this has been trying to get my writing back on track. I usually write at nights and getting home at midnight isn't conducive to that. So I have adapted and started to write during the day while my wife is out picking up the kids. I still get about an hour to an hour and a half, which is my usual time frame.
So while I have been gone, what have you been up to, and how are your writing goals coming along?
I have started to get feedback on my query and am almost done with a reading of my novel where I read it out loud, so then I will be looking for Beta's again for a final polish. I hope to have my book ready to query in December, and that is my current goal.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Taking a break, but for a good cause
Everyone have some great writing related fun while I'm gone, and maybe I'll come back with some fresh ideas on revisions, and some good news from my blogging friends.
Friday, August 5, 2011
The busy schedule of a writer
It's going pretty well, but I'm starting to get exhausted being up late and getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night. Now I'm not complaining, because when I get that time with my WiP it is peaceful, and I accomplish a lot. About two chapters a day at this rate. I should be done with the notes from my Beta's by the middle of the month, which gives me another chance to polish and get it ready for a Fall query.
What is one thing that you have had to sacrifice during your writing journey? I've read a lot of people neglect cleaning, or do less things with the kids (Having 3 kids makes this nearly impossible)?
I give up sleep and hope that its worth it in the long haul.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Receiving feedback
This allows me two things, it allows me to get perspective away from the immediate emotion of receiving the feedback. It also allows me to think about the advice for a while and decide what is useful and what isn't.
I have done this with most of my feedback for my life and it has worked out. My current project is still in a very early draft so the comments such as grammar and sentence structure is helpful because I know it's needed, but having examples pointed out help a lot. The one good thing is that my plot, which is what I was worried about, is still solid and works.
So what are your techniques for handling feedback from your readers?
Monday, August 1, 2011
WiP Update
Anyone have any suggestions on how to review my beta feedback and use it for my book? What seems to be the major hiccup in your first drafts?
Friday, July 29, 2011
Review - "Divergent" by Veronica Roth
I finished the book in a week which is about average, but wished that I could have spent more time in the world. I did read that there is a sequel in the works, which is awesome and I can't wait.
Since this is one of the most popular books going on right now, I think I read it was number 7 on the NYT Bestseller list, what did you think of it?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Football's back
All I can hope for is that my Carolina Panthers can do a lot better than last year. Sorry, but I'm excited for this and I know that this isn't writing related. I'm just excited.
Monday, July 25, 2011
"Captain America" - Review
Now this movie is a bit different from the others as it is set in the 40's during World War 2, which makes Captain America the oldest hero in the Avengers. This movie didn't take itself too seriously, and I think that worked in its behalf. The characters were well done, especially the never give up attitude of Captain America.
The special effects of the movie were good, especially how they made the actor Chris Evans, who played the Captain, puny in size before his transformation. It was well done and I wouldn't have known anything if I didn't hear how they did it before the movie.
Now the plot was a bit up and down in terms of how things flowed. I didn't really care for his little show stuff that they had him doing before he got into the war, but once that passed it was a pretty good action flick.
Overall, for those of you that are comic book fans, this is a must see. For those that have no real idea who the Captain is, then might want to rent. 4/5
Friday, July 22, 2011
Character Interview - Kellen
Thanks for joining me today, how have you handled your new found relationship with Rebecca?
She's one of a kind for sure. I think that I've been supportive, helping her out when she needs it. It's been fun chilling with her since the incidents in Peakside. I just hope that I can keep up with her.
Keep up with her?
Yeah, I mean she just took on that Cole guy which from what I've gathered is one of the strongest Followers in the nation. That's got to mean something.
How's your relationship with Alex now, you know, after the whole Peakside thing?
It's a bit different. I'm dating his sister which is awkward, but he seems distracted if you know what I mean. He's a good guy, but it's not the same anymore. We've sort of grown apart, but we're still friends you know?
Yeah, I can understand that, it's hard sometimes. So what's your plan now?
I still plan to graduate from Peakside High this next year, then I'm not sure. I haven't really thought that far. Maybe college, maybe be Rebecca's sidekick. Hahaha, no but for real, I want to graduate from Peakside High and then see where things are then.
You still want to go there after all that's happened? Why?
Because that's still my home, my friends are still there, my family still. Despite the changes, I still call Peakside home. Now Rebecca on the other hand...
That's cool. Do you think Peakside would welcome her if she wanted to return?
Yeah, I mean, she did do some pretty brave things and all. It might be weird at first, but over time things calm down and return to normal.
I don't think so, but if you say so. What do you think is next for Rebecca?
I don't know. Since everything that's happened, you know, she's grown up. She's seen a side of life that not many of us will ever see and survived.
That sounds sort of scary, do you think she wants you around still?
Yeah, we still hang out and do the couple thing, but sometimes I just see it in her eyes. She wants to be out there saving people and such. She's not shy anymore, she's enbraced who she truly is and that's one tough chick.
One last question then I'll let you get back to your day. What do you think is going to happen with The Collector now?
You mean since he's not dead and all?
I don't know. I mean there are still some questions whether or not he'll wake up or just remain in the coma. I just don't know.... And I don't think Rebecca or Alex know either. Thank you.
Thank you for your time.
So what did you think of Kellen? What did you think of the interview, especially for those who have read the book? I don't think I gave anything away, but still kept it true to his character.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
On to today's post, I have my manuscript out with Beta readers and so far have received a bit of feedback. The rest shouldn't be back until the end of the month, so about two weeks. In the meantime I'm Beta reading for a crit partner and have noticed something in the way I critique.
I am a more story oriented person, looking at plot and character inconsistencies. I notice the grammar, spelling, or punctuation if it stands out, but generally I read for story. I don't know if that makes me a better or worse partner, but I have noticed that it's the way I work.
Maybe that's why when I go over my own work, I miss things that should be easy to spot such as a comma instead of a semicolon. One thing I did learn that I probably learned years and years ago, was the comma after sentences in dialog where the said tag is after the dialog. Seems like such an amateur mistake too, oh well.
What is your method of feedback for others? What are some of the mistakes that you can see in others work, but miss completely in yours?
Friday, July 15, 2011
Happy Birthday to me
First let's all say:
Then we will open these:
Finally we will:
Everyone enjoy the day because it's mine and I said too.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Google +
The pros:
I like the way your circles dictate what information you want to read. I don't have a constant stream of stuff that I can't sort and make heads or tails of at times. This way if I'm in the mood to read stuff my my fellow writer friends, I can just look at what those in my "writers" circle are talking about. Same with friends and family. It makes organizing what I am looking to read easier. Unlike Facebooks everything in the same screen approach.
I like the way that it is connected to the other google services, and will be more tied in the future. So far I can see the possibilities with gmail and blogger. Really excited about these.
The Hangouts. I haven't gotten to try this yet. I plan to get some writer friends together to give it a test run as soon as I can. I think this could be very beneficial to have a sort of web/live crit group going at times. Even just to have company while writing if you like. If they can tie this into Google docs it can also be used collaborate over projects as well.
Sparks, haven't used much so I can't comment on it, but what I gather it is about certain interests and pulls relevant news stories for you to read. I'm not sure as like I said I haven't used it much.
The limited release so far. It's got far fewer people on it, so connecting with old friends or classmates is more difficult, but this could change in the future as more people adopt it.
That's it for cons now. Like I said I've only been playing with it for less than a week, but so far its impressive as another Facebook. Right now I still use both, but once I get more used to the Google + features, I think that it could be a full time replacement. Only time will tell.
Btw, Monday's post was written using my new cell phone and the blogger app, did anyone notice any difference? I think with all these new toys, I will have to do an updated technology for writers post with some new gadgets that I have implemented into my toolbox recently.
What do you guys think of Google + for those of you that have it? If you would like an invite I will see if I can do so, but I think I heard it might be open for all google account holders now. If not, and you want in, please let me know in the comments with your email and I will send you an invite so you can see for yourself.
Monday, July 11, 2011
How rearranging a bedroom relates to writing.
So the weekend we had to rearrange our bedroom to make room for a new desk. It got me thinking how much we rearrange our books before its finished.
We might move a character from a scene to make a better entrance later on, or to set up something later. We might also move a certain scene for more impact. In my current project I expect to move certain things around to make it better. How do you guys handle the rearranging of you book? I bet mystery writers do it more than others.
Are you guys like me and have a separate file for things to save field later? I use it to store things that don't fit yet but could work later on. What are some of you writing techniques for organizing your novel?
Friday, July 8, 2011
Movie Review "Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon"
My wife and I saw this movie Sunday and I knew going in that the reviews were terrible. Now I'm not one to really care what reviews say, but they did keep me from expecting much. We decided to plop down for 3D, our first in about a year. Yikes $22.50 for the two of us. Good thing we didn't bring any of the kids.
Now I'll first say that I thought that the 3D was used well in the movie, jet smoke coming out, bits of robot flying toward you, but there is a scene where there are skydivers, and the 3D was pretty pretty amazing.
The story was passable. Blah blah robots fight, some die, some live. Nothing to really write home about, but for a Summer Blockbuster it was enough.
The characters, Shia did a good job for his role and I agree with him that the story of Sam is pretty much done. The new female lead was no better or no worse than Megan Fox, she's there for eyecandy that's about it. The robots, they did focus more on them and got the audience emotionally attached in this one more than they have the others, which I thought was nicely done.
The overall package wasn't great, but my wife and I like these types of movies because they are mindless fun that you can enjoy without thinking too much about it. Pretty good time at the movies. I give a solid 3/5.
Have you seen the movie? What did you think about it?
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Trouble with Endings
I am going to take some time to think about it and how to tie it up better. I will let my Beta's give me their feedback and take it into consideration, but ultimately it's up to me. I have to decide whether it works for the characters, or if its too forced. Maybe it ends too fast, or maybe too late and I should end it earlier. So many options.
What are some of your favorite endings in books, maybe I could get some ideas of how to end it?
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July
Friday, July 1, 2011
Feedback, what kind do you like?
I also know that I can get into a passive voice at times, which is hard to notice while writing and is usually picked up on subsequent readings.
My plot usually flows pretty well, I think I enjoy moving from one action to the next without much in the ways of missing parts, however, for a first draft some of the things that show up later need to be introduced a bit earlier.
If you're following, when I send it out for readings, I like a lot of feedback, nothing is too small or too big. I also feel that I have a thick skin, meaning lay into me, I won't mind, because I'm of the mindset that if one person notices it, its just that person, if two people notice it, it's something that needs to be looked into and if three people notice it, then it's something wrong.
What sort of feedback do you like when you are getting read?
Oh yeah, next step, thanks to comments on Wednesday's post is the query letter and synopsis.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
First draft done, what next?
My first draft took me six months, the longest first draft timetable for me out of any of my completed books. I don't know why it took so long, but it did and there it is.
I am now doing a polish, then I'm planning on sending it out to some Beta's to get some feedback and hopefully get back to revising sometime in August. In the meantime, what should I do next? Write the query? Outline another book? Something smaller?
What do you do to occupy your time while you await feedback?
Monday, June 20, 2011
Small Vacation
Friday, June 17, 2011
Battle: LA Movie Review.
It's pretty much pure action from start to finish. Lots of drama with the characters, and overall a good pace. I can see that a few of the things that people didn't care for such as the lack of character development for most of the people except for a few. But the few that were there it was standard action stuff. Not a lot of depth, but enough to connect to the character. I didn't feel sad when any of the minor characters died until near the end when some surprises happen. I found the special effects to be decent. Nothing wonderful, about a step up from SyFy movies.
The one thing that I think was my favorite aspect of the movie was that it was an alien invasion movie, yet it dealt with the military in a different way. It was a platoon of ground troops, not air force, not navy, but some grunts on the ground doing all the dirty work. It felt different to me. I enjoyed it overall, but don't expect too much. If you go in expecting something wonderful. Taper your expectations and it might surprise you.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Building an audience
Until about two years ago, I started to focus on building an audience for my books, also called a platform. Now I'm generally a shy guy, like to keep to myself at parties, don't like to make waves, or be the center of attention and now I am finding that to get an audience of fans, I need to do this more. Maybe not wave my arms and shout for people to look at me, but I need to build close relationships with others.
I've witnessed Elana's rise to superstardom over the past couple years since we were in a crit group a long while back. Followed her blog, friended her on Facebook, follow her on twitter and all that. I am amazed at how she managed to put herself out there. Kept true to herself and really showed people how friendly, helpful, just plain kick ass of a person. So my question is, what are some tips to get myself out there. Should I throw some contests? What are some of the things that worked for you guys? Most of my followers have bigger followings than I do. I'm just curious. I'm a nice guy, but shy. How can I show the world this? Heck how can I show just North America?
Monday, June 13, 2011
I took a small break from writing and lived to tell the story
Friday, June 10, 2011
WiP Update.
So my little break last weekend and going back to a few earlier chapters helped spawn new ideas. Wonderful how that works.
By the way, I've decided not to put a timetable on completing this draft,(I've already missed two self imposed deadlines) its already taken longer than expected, but I think it's better than it would have been if I just tried to bust it out quick style.
This got me thinking about how long do your first draft usually take? I consider mine more of a draft 1.5 since I've been getting feedback while doing the draft, which could explain part of the time it took me to write it. At least now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and it makes me a bit giddy.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
In honor of Possession by Elana Johnson
My sister lived in an apartment complex behind my parents house when I was a preteen, me and my friends used to go over there to hang out and watch MTV way back then. One day she wasn't home, so we started to climb the garage building. It was cool, dangerous, and looking back sort of stupid. However, it got worse. To get down, we jumped off the roof and landed on the hood of a dusty car that looked like it hadn't been used in years. We didn't think anything of it, except for how fun it was to jump off the roof of a building and to land on something. Sort of like an action movie. I remember denting it pretty good on a few of my jumps and so did my friends. We put some major work into it as we jumped on both the hood and the roof. So after doing this for about an hour, like normal kids, we got bored and left to do something else. When we returned a day or two later, police were there asking questions.
Now that was one of a few dumb things I did during my youth and regret now. So what is something you did that broke the rules?
Monday, June 6, 2011
When do you know it's time for a break? Do you ever get the feeling that you are surrounded by the impossible task of writing a novel? What do you do to relax? I did do some brain storming while I was relaxing, and think that this week will be a good one. I might have figured out a solution to my problem part.
Have you ever taken a break to try and see a problem from another angle? How long did you take? What were the results?
Oh yeah, just in case anyone didn't know yet Elana Johnson's novel Possession is coming out tomorrow June 7th. Go check out her blog to find out where her blog tour is going to be taking her? Have a great and productive week.
Friday, June 3, 2011
"Plaugue" by Michael Grant
So this book starts off where the last one left off. (I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll try to keep it vague.) They are low on water, so they send the MC out to search for water leaving the town in capable hands. That is until an old friend returns to seek revenge on the town. This book upped the tension with so many different problems. Water and Food shortages. New bugs that are nearly impossible to kill and if they bite you you become infested, people not trusting one another, humans vs mutants, and the list goes on and on. These poor kids have it rough.
The characters of this one are as good as they have been all series. Deep, realistic, emotional and their actions have weight behind them.
Lots of twists and turns and some sad moments, which makes me excited for the next book in the series. I give this book a solid 5/5. You should pick it up as soon as you get a chance, but after my friends book that comes out Tuesday the 7th of June. Possession by Elana Johnson.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Spectacular Contest alert
Also, I think its pretty cool that she published on her own and following her journey is becoming a fascination. Good luck to her.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
When is a series too long?
Now I was probably one of the people that thought that it ended alright with the trilogy. I didn't think this was necessary and seemed more like a milking of the cash cow than for story expansion. Can we say Scream 4 (Which I loved as with this movie.)
But my question isn't about the movie so much, because it kicked butt in the box office and I really enjoyed it. It made me think, was it needed? I love the character of Jack Sparrow, more so than Will or Elizabeth. So I didn't mind it for that reason, yet in books, have you ever read a series that seemed to go too long past its prime. I don't read a lot of series, and most of them are made a series because they are one big arc, yet this movie wasn't part of the same arc. Different bad guys, different quest, the only thing the same was Jack. Could a book survive under the same circumstance?
I don't think so and that's probably why it doesn't happen very often. What are your thoughts on book series that go too long?
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Three sided conflicts?
My antagonist is two different people. It's a three sided conflict and it's making me wonder if that is too much as I can't really recall any books having three sided conflicts. Maybe it's just late (or super early) when I'm writing this, so I'm looking for examples so I can read them and see how they did the pacing.
Any suggestions of books? Or just how they managed it? Any of your own struggles with this sort of conflict?
Monday, May 23, 2011
Supporting Characters
I am having trouble thinking of a way to integrate this character better as she's the girlfriend of the main characters brother, so she's only in a few chapters until chapter 9, then she's in more of them. I need to make her likeable, she's a good person, yet if my main character doesn't interact with her much, how can I get this across better? Maybe have them get forced into a situation where they are alone? Maybe have her brother talk about her more? What would your suggestions be? I'm up for anything right about now because I've been spending so much time building the main characters reactions to the world as it's changing around her that this one minor character sort of got left in the shadows.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Trance by Linda Gerber
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Are we writers or typers?
Sunday, May 15, 2011
How I write.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Blogger went down...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Family and Writing
Friday, May 6, 2011
Review "a blue so dark" by Holly Schindler
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Hard work
Friday, April 29, 2011
Review "After Tupac and D Foster" by Jacqueline Woodson
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
WiP Wednesday
Monday, April 25, 2011
Family Update
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary E. Pearson
The Classics
Monday, April 18, 2011
This generation
Monday, April 11, 2011
Characters taking over.
"Savy" by Ingrid Law
Parents just don't understand
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Splatterhouse PS3 review
Grabbing the reader
Wrestlemania 27 and how professional wrestling can relate to writing.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Screenwriting rule 3
Screenwriting rule 2
Screenwriting rule 1
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Soundtrack of your book
Tough Chapters
Toolkit for writing
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Visualizing characters
Building Fear
Memorable Characters
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Pictures of your characters part 2
Alex Stevens: The brother of Rebecca, strong, takes charge, and doesn't back down:

Kellen: Best friend of Alex. More reserved, but dependable:

William Stevens: Rebecca and Alex's father. Mayor of the city and very well liked by most people: (And yes I know it's Alec Baldwin, but it fits.)

So these are the three main male characters. What do you think? Any suggestions?