Sunday, May 2, 2010

Writing books

So I've been doing this writing thing for many years now and have my own collection of writerly books. Granted most of them are specific to Screenwriting and Filmmaking, but I was looking into getting some other more novel writing books on my shelf and was looking for suggestions:

My current list is:
"Creating Unforgettable Characters" by Seger
"The Writer's Idea Book" by Heffron.
"Story" by Robert McKee.
"Elements of Style" by Strunk and White.

Even those these are also for screenwriting, they do carry over into fiction writing. My personal favorite of this list is the first one. Very good at helping me develop more realistic characters. Any suggestions that I might want to look into?


  1. "Characters and Viewpoint" by Orson Scott Card - brilliant and makes you think, but a little difficult

    "Writng the Novel" by Lawrence Block - an easy read, and helpful

    Any of Holly Lisle's writing books - I've bought 7 of them. They are very practical, and offer writing exercises and worksheets. (If you order after clicking through the link on my blog I get brownie points toward my next purchase - and I might even get paid! :-) ) Also check out her site for webpages with free writing advice. She's written many articles just for the site!

  2. Deb, I'll have to look into that book. Also Holly's website looks pretty packed full of information.

    Thank you for commenting Arnold, I look forward to keeping you interested. Please feel free to comment on anything you would like to.
