Sunday, October 17, 2010

Lost Boys: The Thirst Review

So this weekend, my wife and I got on a vampire, no not Twilight, real vampire kick. We rented 30 days of Night's sequel, and I won't review it because I need to save something for a rainy day. But I will review the other movie that I picked up. "The Lost Boys: The Thirst," was a pretty generic movie, which didn't do much for the franchise however, the reason that I am reviewing it is because it was decent.

The vampires were cool looking for the most part, and the premise was semi-interesting, but I think what made it for me were the flashbacks to the first film. Also the nostalgia by going back brought up the memory of Corey Haim's recent death. I found his flashback scenes poignent because of him and Corey Feldmen's relationship off the set.

Other than that I think this film was pretty generic, didn't really try anything fancy and seemed like a decent direct to video sequel. I would give it a rent if you are into the series, but its only a 1.5/5.

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