Weronika Janczuk: http://www.weronikajanczuk.com/
Deb Salisbury: http://blog.debsalisbury.com/ and http://mantua-maker-patterns.blogspot.com/
Elana Johnson: http://elanajohnson.blogspot.com/
J Lea Lopez: http://jlealopez.blogspot.com/
Shelli: http://faeriality.blogspot.com/
Rebecca Knight: http://rebeccaknightbooks.blogspot.com/
Suzette Saxton and Bethany Wiggins:http://suzettesaxton.blogspot.com/
Kirk Von Der Heydt: http://alicechronicles.blogspot.com/
Office Girl: http://tiredbutwriting.blogspot.com/
Laura Diamond: http://lbdiamond.wordpress.com/ (I don't show up as a follower as I don't know how to follow a wordpress blog. Any tips?)
I'm not going to post the publish blogs I follow yet. I know this is far fewer than some of you, but I don't have the time so I'm a tad bit more pickier. So I hop you guys will find some that you might not have heard of and what not. Have a good weekend, and don't forget to vote on my poll again please. I only had 3 last week, and the one previous had 6, so I want to beat that record. Send your friends as well.
Thanks for the shout-out and the new blogs! I'll go check them out.